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Monday, December 27, 2010

Will My Dreams Come True?

I went to music shop that day to get check on the price for a new violin for my sister. Then I saw that they provide drum classes too. So I had something in mind suddenly. 

Maybe I should take up some drum classes, since I really don't want to forget my skills. Then, when I'm capable of playing well, I'll provide drum classes as well as a part time job. (: Part time job, something that I feel I'll enjoy doing! Though I don't really like teaching, I think I'm fine with teaching rhythms. ^^

So at first I thought, since I don't have a drumset at home, I'll teach outside. But:

Problem 1 - I can't drive.
Solutions - Get my license.

When I thought of a way to solve problem 1, problem 2 arises.

Problem 2 - I can't recognize roads, and I have a really bad memory especially when it comes to roads. 
Solutions - Pending. 

So I thought of asking the students to come to my house. But:

Problem 1 - I don't have a drumset.
Solutions - Hopefully, I'll be able to get one. 

Problem 2 - My house has no place to place the drumset.
Solutions - Pending.

Problem 3 - My house is like a jungle. 
Solutions - Discipline myself to keep the house extremely clean.

And these are overall problems:

Problem 1 - I'm just a student. What if no one trusts my skills? 
Solution 1 - Practice, practice, practice! 
Solution 2 - Make lots of friends to spread the word.

Problem 2 - What if the student itself plays better than me? D: This will be the worse nightmare. (And another reason why I didn't want to give art classes. TT)
Solutions - Pending. 

Problem 3 - For students that attend my class for the first time, they might not have drumsticks. So I'll have borrow mine. The problem is - NO ONE TOUCHES MY DRUMSTICKS. Pierre and Parrie is mine. 
Solutions - Buy an extra pair of sticks. (But doesn't it sound ridiculous to get a pair of sticks just because I don't want to share my sticks? D: Stupid me.)

But still, despite all the problems, I still want to give it a try! It's not like me to thought of something and then slowly the matter is forgotten.. D: This is just... like my cosplay plans. ): Haih. 

Then!  ^^ I even thought of the proces too. :D
I checked the price from one music shop, and the courses for drums are really not cheap. The one that I checked charges RM125 for half an hour. 

So think I'll charge RM45 for half an hour. One to one lesson. ^^

Oh my. It feels so good to think about this. I was grinning stupidly the whole time. :D

p.s - I'm really bored at home. I need to get a job.