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Saturday, April 4, 2009

Kyo Kara Maoh! - Favourite Pairings

yay..! season three is out! really cannot wait to watch.. my conrad.. wolfram, erm, shin king, yosak, yuri.. ^^

i definitely support conyuu..! but, but, but, wolfram..? but conrad will definitely not end up with yuri, he's just too noble to fight for yuri when his brother is engaged with yuri earlier. conrad would rather keep their relationship as king and knight, rather than lovers to avoid wolfram to hate him more. but wolfram seems to treat conrad better and more like a brother now..?

the only place for conyuu..? haha i love fanfictions.. you know, imaginations running wild.. haha..

(actually i do not know what to post.. i just wanted to type, so yeah..)

yay conyuu! conrad x yuri! ^^