Thank you for everything. I'm very glad.
To my dearest god, thank for giving me a chance. (: I won't do last minute studying again in future. Well, I hope so. I procrastinate a lot, horrible, horrible habit.
To my parents, thanks for nagging me everyday to study. (: And to my mum, thanks for sending me to the library almost everyday. Your complaints never stop even for a second. Very good.
To my sister, I know you cared for my results (I guess?). (: Thanks for being noisy and keeping me awake when I'm studying. Thanks for marking my papers for me. ^^
To my fatherside grandmother, thanks for your support. (: Ad thanks for your five hundred bucks. I'll spend it wisely. ^^
To my motherside grandmother, thank you for crying for me. ^^ Your tears made me cry tears of joy. (: Thank you so much, it means a lot to me.
To all my relatives, thanks for all the wishes. (:
To my teachers, THANK YOU SO MUCH for contributing and teaching me throughout these years. Without you I'd be nothing; I wouldn't be standing here today. It's because of you. ^^ I love you and appreciate all your efforts.
To my one and only tuition teacher, thank you so much as well. ^^ Mr Ong; I'll never forget this name. (: The name that has change the history of Angie. ^^ Thank you.
"Oh wow. Congratulations!! Really feel happy for you. I think you're my first student who scored so well. I knew if you've put in good efforts you'll do well as I always say you're a hardworking girl. Congratulations again! (: When I'm back maybe I can give you a treat."
Awww. (: One of the best message ever. Thank you teacher! ^^
To all my friends, ALL of you, thank you for fighting alongside me. Thank you for all the support. Thank you for all the wishes. (: I hope we're all happy with our results. Li Lian and Sheryl, you're so precious to me. I'm so happy for both of you. Alison and Keerthana, you guys were the reason I survived in the library. I have to admit, studying at the library was really tiring (In fact, it was hell.), but nevertheless I had a lot of fun. (: Jaishree, thank you for being such a bubbly friend. You coloured my world with craziness. (: And thanks for helping me with studies and homework (LOL But I have to pay you back by letting you copy my work. =p) And to those that I didn't mention, you guys helped me in every way when I needed support. (: I LOVE YOU, MY FRIENDS. (: I LOVE YOU, 5 SCIENCE 2 OF 2010. ^^
To my friend's parents who congratulated me today, thank you too. (: It means a lot to me.
To FT Island, thanks for being my entertainment. (: Your songs are so awesome to the extend that I have to listen to it everyday. ^^ It was one of the main reason that I could keep awake during midnight times by listening to it while texting my friends at the same time. (:
P.S - Sheryl, I guess I can change my phone picture now? LOL